About the Author
John Laprise
John Laprise, Ph.D. began studying global Internet policy and governance with his work on cyber warfare doctrine in 1993. Since then, Dr. Laprise has taught and written work in many areas of cyber strategy including intellectual property, privacy, surveillance, and access to governments, businesses, and NGOs around the world.
- Time to Upgrade U.S. Legal Technology
- Fascism, Authoritarianism, and Donald Trump: The USA (2016) is not Germany (1932)
- You Say Free Basics, I Say Internet.org: How Internet Users are Blocking the Next Billion
- How One Democrat Changes His Mind: A Question of Respect
- Lessons from Budapest for US Immigration Policy
- Trump and the Hostile Takeover of the GOP
- Opinion: Ashley Madison Hack Reveals a Cyber Threat Not Taken Seriously
- Opinion: With Friends Like This: Why the NSA is the Biggest Loser of the Hacking Team Incident
- Opinion: Stemming the Internet Tax Tide
- Opinion: Cyber Security Lessons from President Gerald Ford
- Opinion: Getting Sony’d — The Perils of Corporate Personhood