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Republicans Face Liberal Backlash for Protecting Obamacare Provision

House Republicans denounced liberal critics as hypocrites Wednesday for opposing a bill that protects a provision within Obamacare.

House Education and the Workforce Chairwoman Virginia Foxx introduced the bill to uphold the provision. It initially allowed employers to use voluntary workplace wellness programs as a coverage option, but the Obamacare rule was essentially gutted by later regulations. Critics warn the new bill could subject employees to mandatory genetic testing.

Foxx supports efforts to repeal the healthcare law like many on the right. She believes the wellness provision should remain implemented while the law is in place. Democrats have united against efforts to repeal their signature healthcare law, but are also adamantly opposed to the Foxx’s bill.

“The hypocrisy we’ve seen from Washington Democrats and their liberal allies is astounding,” Education and the Workforce spokeswoman Bethany Aronhalt told InsideSources. “They were for these very wellness program policies before they were against them.”

The wellness program provisions were intended as a low cost alternative for employee health coverage. The employer-run programs include comprehensive strategies to improve employee health and well-being. Employers might include medical assessments, but employee participation into their workplace program is voluntary.

“It’s unfortunate that Democrats want no part in our efforts to make health care more affordable for working families and would rather undermine voluntary employee wellness programs that help lower costs,” Aronhalt said. “Workers should be empowered with the choice to enroll in popular wellness programs, and that’s exactly what this legislation is about.”

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) upended the provision in a ruling last year. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and other critics contest the bill would undermine employee healthcare privacy by allowing employers to bypass the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA).

“I don’t think there’s really a fair argument to be made that somehow this is just ratifying the current state of the law,” ACLU senior staff attorney Sandra Park told InsideSources. “It’s clear the exemptions right now do not exist, and from our perspective would really gut the protections in those laws.”

GINA prohibits employers from discriminating on the basis of genetic information. Park notes the original provision didn’t include exemptions for employers. She adds the bill would also undermine requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

“What this would do is create an exemption where that employer-sponsored wellness program would not be subject to GINA,” Park said. “An employer wellness program can be created where one of the conditions is they mandate genetic testing or other sorts of disclosure of personal and family health information.”

PBS first reported last week the concerns critics have with the bill. Forbes later reported that employers could force their workers to provide intimate genetic data by leveraging thousands in penalties against them.

House Democrats and a range of privacy advocates are now gearing up to fight the bill. A few dozen healthcare and advocacy groups have also issued a letter in opposition to the measure. HR Policy Association (HRPA) contests employees’ privacy is still protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

“If the employer doesn’t have any of the information I’m not quite sure how decimation under ADA or GINA plays into this,” HRPA Vice President Mark Wilson told InsideSources. “The bill is really intended to restore congressional intent when they originally passed the Affordable Care Act.”

Wilson adds the bill does reform the privacy protections so they fit into the existing healthcare law better. He notes the reforms do not undermine those worker protections.

President Donald Trump and congressional leaders are battling to end Obamacare. Republicans are now hoping to repeal and replace the law with their congressional majority. A replacement bill has been proposed, but opposition within the party makes its success uncertain.

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Meet the Labor Secretary Trump Is Rumored to Be Considering

President-elect Donald Trump will soon have to choose a labor secretary and one likely pick is Victoria Lipnic.

Lipnic has served since 2010 as a Commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The federal agency is tasked with enforcing workplace civil rights laws. Her possible appointment to lead the Department of Labor (DOL) would mean that she would become the top official for all federal workplace laws.

Trump based much of his platform on helping displaced and struggling workers. Even his notable views on immigration were partially focused on stopping companies from replacing workers with cheap foreign labor. Trump’s pick for labor secretary is critical to accomplish his agenda.

Politico first reported Lipnic is being considered for the position on Wednesday. Trump has not released an official list of cabinet picks but sources close to the campaign have listed likely appointees. Here are five facts you should know about the woman who might soon oversee how Americans work.


Lipnic Already Has a Close Connection to the Position

Lipnic previously served as an assistant secretary of labor between 2002 and 2009. In the position, she oversaw the Employment Standards Administration (ESA). The ESA was tasked with administering wages and working conditions laws before it was eventually dissolved not long after she left. Her extensive experience at the senior levels of the DOL give her familiarity with her role if she is given the nod to lead the department.


She Has Private and Public Experience

Trump gained popularity among many of his supporters by arguing he is not part of the political establishment. His success largely comes from private-sector industries like real estate and hospitality. He will still need, however, people in his cabinet that understand the inner-workings of government.

Lipnic could prove to be a beneficial appointment in that regard because she has both private and public experience. She has primarily worked in the public-sector but also served as an attorney for the law firm Seyfarth Shaw LLP. She has also been counsel for labor and employment matters at the U.S. Postal Service which is a quasi-independent organization.


Lipnic Has Worked Along Bipartisan Lines

Lipnic has worked with government officials and lawmakers across the political spectrum. Before being appointed by Democratic President Barack Obama to the bipartisan EEOC, she advised House Republicans as their workforce policy counsel.

Her policy initiatives also don’t run along partisan lines. She has worked to reform overtime regulations, family leave and union financial disclosure requirements.

She has expressed concern for the gender wage gap but rejected a proposal by the current administration to fix it. The proposal is designed to change wage disclosure laws so employers have to provide the government with more data. She argued the law itself was outdated and bad policy, notes Affirmative Action Law Advisor.


She Would Be Replacing Obama Appointee Perez

Lipnic would be replacing current Labor Secretary Thomas Perez if she does end up being appointed. President Obama appointed him in 2013 following a career as a union and civil rights advocate. Perez has been viewed by supporters as a champion of worker rights, while his opponents contest he has used his influence to unfairly help labor unions.

The Labor Department has been the primary source of new workplace regulations during the current administration. The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) found in a report Sept. 22 the new regulations could cost $81.6 billion in compliance alone and 155,700 lost jobs over the next ten years.

Perez was appointed and confirmed in July 2013. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was even rumored to be considering Perez for attorney general.


Lipnic Will Need Senate Approval

When Trump is sworn in as president it will be his responsibility to fill numerous federal positions. Labor secretary is among those positions that will require approval by the U.S. Senate. Republicans were able to maintain their congressional majority during the election, meaning the approval process is likely not to hit too many obstacles. Lipnic has been previously confirmed by the Senate for other positions, and her prior appointment by President Obama makes confirmation as labor secretary almost assured.

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