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Thune Announces Return of Bill to Free Up Airwaves for Wireless

South Dakota Republican Sen. John Thune told a crowd at a tech event in Washington Tuesday he’s ready to revive his bill to open up “hundreds of megahertz of spectrum” to the mobile market to help wireless providers keep up with the demand for bandwidth-heavy services like video streaming, and accelerate the development of new, faster services like 5G.

“This legislation will ensure hundreds of megahertz of spectrum are made available for commercial use by the year 2020, the same year many people expect to see the 5G standard formally adopted,” Thune, who chairs the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, said in his keynote to a conference discussing the development of 5G at CTIA’s headquarters in Washington Tuesday.

The Making Opportunities for Broadband Investment and Limiting Excessive and Needless Obstacles to Wireless, or MOBILE NOW Act, would free up more bandwidth by compelling federal agencies, which hold some 60 percent of all available spectrum, to be more efficient in what they use and turn the rest over to the private sector.

Thune said finding and opening up specific bands for licensed and unlicensed use, removing legal and regulatory barriers, and pushing the government to examine the use of high-frequency millimeter waves were all key to “securing the bandwidth needed to fuel multi-gigabit Internet speeds,” and accelerating the deployment of 5G.

“The bill would cut through much of the bureaucratic red tape that makes it difficult to build wireless facilities on federal property, and it will direct the FCC to take action on streamlining regulations affecting small cell networks,” Thune said. “And while 5G may still be years away from reality, these are the kinds of incremental steps forward that we need to bring the future closer to us today.”

The South Dakota senator said with so much less spectrum than was available twenty years ago, and with the squeeze on the most popular bands, it’s never been more crucial — and subsequently more difficult — to get more spectrum into the hands of wireless providers, who are in danger of running out in the next five years, according to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler.

Thune’s committee planned on marking up the bill last fall, but was forced to pull it amid a cramped year-end legislative calendar. The chairman said he and ranking Florida Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson are close to finalizing the details of the bipartisan bill, and hope to reintroduce it as soon as this week.

“Our colleagues in the House are also working on their own wireless legislation, and I am confident we should be able to marry up our efforts and enact a good, bipartisan, pro-growth bill,” Thune said.

Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel of the FCC, which is preparing to tackle the spectrum issue via an auction to sell airwaves from broadcasters to wireless providers this spring, agreed on the need to go higher, explore high-frequency millimeter waves and make it easier for the government to experiment with ways to free up more spectrum.

“This is spectrum that is way, way up there,” Rosenworcel said. “These are the airwaves that take us to infinity and beyond.”

Rosenworcel sided with Thune on making it easier to build wireless towers on federal land, a designation that covers 1/3 of all national real estate. The two also agreed on the need to find a way around the typically low scores the Congressional Budget Office bestows on wireless spending bills.

“This analysis is important. It’s useful. But in practice, these estimates can hamper creative ideas about long-term infrastructure investment, including how we can free more of our airwaves to support economic growth,” Rosenworcel said.

“Because with 5G connectivity, we are looking at a world where everything is connected,” she continued. “We are making way not just for the Internet of Things, but for the Internet of everything. But before we get there I have a funny feeling we are going to get waylaid by accounting.”

The commissioner added her agency has progress to make as well, including handing out licenses for experimenting with unlicensed spectrum to establish “sandboxes of innovation” in major cities.

“While we are home to less than five percent of the globe’s population, we have one-third of all 4G subscriptions worldwide,” Rosenworcel said. “But it is clear that the race to 5G is on.”

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Telecommunications Act of 1996 Celebrates 20 Years as Congress Considers Changes

In 1996, then-President Bill Clinton signed into law the Telecommunications Act, setting the standards for regulating telephone, cable, broadcasting, satellite, cellular and Internet for the next two decades. Now, 20 years later, Republicans in Congress are looking to put their stamp on the regulations after the Federal Communications Commission recently rewrote the rules on net neutrality.

The act came at a time when neither the FCC nor Congress engaged in the bulk of communications policymaking — that heavy lifting fell to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia as a result of the government-mandated breakup of AT&T into several smaller companies negotiated by the Justice Department.

AT&T and the seven regional holding companies separated from it spent the years since the 1984 breakup continually seeking guidance from the court on business practices they could or could not engage in, the latter including long-distance calling, hardware manufacturing and offering information services — the category the Internet would fall under 12 years later, in the 1996 act.

In an effort to shift rule-making power back to Congress and experts in government and provide clear guidelines for providers to operate under, as opposed to waiting on court rulings, lawmakers in the ’90s began negotiating an update to the Communications Act of 1934 — legislation originally intended to tackle anticompetitive and monopoly business practices by Bell Telephone.

Congress hadn’t revisited the 1934 act for 62 years by the time the 1996 act was passed.

The law put in place major changes aimed at balancing regulation and boosting competition, including Title III permission for any communications provider to enter the market and compete with any other — setting up the groundwork for the telephone, tv and Internet conglomerates of today.

It also exempted information services, or Internet providers, from Title II, the regulation classifying telephone companies as public utility common carrier services, subjecting them to stricter anti-competitive government oversight — a carryover from the 1934 act.

Additionally, 1996 set the stage for the restoration of the FCC as the primary telecommunications regulator, an agency that has operated with few limitations from Congress. Since then, the agency’s power has only grown.

According to Republicans in Congress, that unchecked power most recently manifested in the agency’s decision last year to undo Congress’ Internet exemption in the 1996 act and reclassify Internet service providers (ISPs) as public utility common carriers.

According to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, the change in classification gives the agency the legal justification to enforce net neutrality rules adopted under the same Open Internet Order previously struck down in several court challenges by the telecom industry.

The rules mandate ISPs treat all Internet traffic equally by banning content blocking, download throttling and paid prioritization — steps edge providers like Amazon, Google YouTube, Netflix and others called for amid claims providers including AT&T and Verizon were throttling download speeds to customers in an effort to get edge providers to pay more for acceptable service.

Republicans from the House to the Senate have argued since the rules’ passage last February the FCC lacked the authority to reverse Congress’ designation, and accused the agency of being opaque and acting unilaterally without seeking oversight from Congress or publishing the rules before implementing them.

Though the rules are still awaiting a ruling on their legality likely coming in March, Republicans including Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee Chairman John Thune aren’t waiting to pursue an update to the 1996 act.

“With the FCC poised to reclassify broadband due to a lack of clear statutory authority, we can readily see the consequences of that obsolescence and the need for action,” Thune said prior to the FCC’s vote last year. “Updating the Communications Act is no small undertaking, but it would be a dereliction of duty if Congress did not at least try to modernize the law.”

At the time the South Dakota senator said those changes could come via a series of small bills or a legislative package like the 1996 law.

Thune has already started work on a bill to implement net neutrality protections without Title II reclassification, though he’s waiting on the pending court challenge to move forward. He’s also partnered with a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers on his Mobile Now Act, aimed at freeing up more wireless spectrum for the burgeoning mobile market to satisfy Americans’ growing need for bandwidth heavy service like video streaming.

Groups including U.S. Telecom, the industry lobbyist group leading the court challenge against the FCC, agree it’s time for an update.

“While the Telecom Act was ahead of its time in the 1990s, 20 years later it is time for a refresh,” the group’s president and CEO Walter McCormick wrote in an op-ed Monday. “Having achieved its core market-opening goals and achieved a fast-paced, dynamic broadband economy, much of the act is now obsolete.”

“Congress, as the elected representatives of the American people, must ensure that telecom policy addresses today’s challenges, not last century’s, and ensures that we retain our international leadership.”

Others including the Consumer Technology Association, whose members include Amazon, Apple, Google, Netflix and others, said the act continues to serve its purpose.

“But overall, in the last two decades, the act has not hindered companies from creating new products and services, and thanks to the Internet, new services and business models have benefitted the American people,” president and CEO of CTA said in a statement Monday. “The Internet as we know it today — a platform for accessing information and developing new consumer markets — is a product of this act.”

“This act has been — and will continue to be — important for spurring innovation in the United States and maintaining our global competitiveness.”

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