Editor’s Note: For another viewpoint, see Religious Liberty Scores a Win at the Supreme Court, And It’s About Time
The Supreme Court’s decision hurts those with uteri and families with those with uteri. Particularly during this pandemic where the hospitals are overwhelmed, if families do not want to have another child at this time, we should help them achieve that.
Ironically, the court’s ruling was supposedly supporting religious freedom. It does exactly the opposite. It imposes the employers’ religion on the employees. This country was built on freedom of religion. People of the same faith feel differently about birth control.
There is no one interpretation. It should be left to the individual. This is America, to each their own religion. If birth control goes against your religion, then don’t use it.
Mandating birth control coverage allows everyone to be equal. Without it, we are subject to the religion/interpretation of religion by our employer.
Also, corporations are not people. Corporations have no soul that will go to heaven or hell. Thus, corporations have no religion. Its members have a religion but something without a soul cannot have a religion.
No other medication is singled out like this. This is politics interfering with people’s health. Keep politics out of medicine. Leave medicine to the medical providers.
It actually costs more not to pay for birth control.
It is fiscally stupid and morally wrong not to cover birth control because it is cheaper to cover birth control than unintended pregnancies.
Birth control costs $330 per year versus an abortion that costs $800, vaginal delivery $10,000 at the minimum, C-section $40,000 and that’s not including the pre- and postnatal care and the cost to society of an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy.
It’s basic math. If you don’t like abortion, pay for birth control.
Per a 2011 study by the Guttmacher Institute, about 14 percent of U.S. women or 1.5 million women (probably more now) use birth control for non-contraceptive purposes. Fifty-eight percent of pill users use the pill partly for purposes other than pregnancy prevention.
Those who are using “birth control” for non-birth control reasons could be harassed by providers and pharmacists and thus deprived of necessary treatment. Many women use it for non-birth-control options and they could be harassed to the point of not using the medication and then suffering dire consequences, such as losing an ovary or lots of unnecessary pain (endometriosis).
According to the Guttmacher study:
“After pregnancy prevention (86 percent), the most common reasons women use the pill include reducing cramps or menstrual pain (31 percent); menstrual regulation, which for some women may help prevent migraines and other painful “side effects” of menstruation (28 percent); treatment of acne (14 percent); and treatment of endometriosis (4 percent). Additionally, it found that 762,000 women who have never had sex use the pill, and they do so almost exclusively (99 percent) for noncontraceptive reasons.”
Why should women suffer because of political machinations?