In a world where woke is alive and on steroids, there is a single group where ridicule, bigotry and outright prejudice are apparently OK. I refer to seniors and the practice of ageism. It is real, it is commonplace, and it is more than accepted in too many places.

As president of United Seniors for America (US4A), much of my time is spent monitoring the political playing field. US4A is a right-of-center advocacy group. We believe in the American dream, traditional values, and less government influence and control over our lives. We will also fight to the end to see that seniors are treated fairly and with respect. Viewing us as a single group, much less discriminating against us as a blanket category, is unacceptable.

Day in and day out, my work life involves constant engagement with individuals much younger than myself (almost 72). I often have encounters with younger people in which you can feel them viewing you as hopelessly Old School without ever having discussed anything.

Earlier, mention was made of things woke. Just think of a handful of news stories that received some attention. An individual insists he/she/they be called by their pronoun of choice. Failure to do so can result in harsh criticism, even loss of job.

Recently, a teacher used the term “colored person” instead of “person of color.”  Immediately recognizing the mistake, the teacher profusely apologized for the error. Not good enough. 

During the summer of violence in 2020, one college administrator allowed it was true that Black Lives Matter while also highlighting that all lives matter. No amount of remorse or apology would suffice. Another lost job.

Now, think of the television advertisements you have seen recently. Remember the one where the premise is that this guy “cannot help you from becoming your parents”? If that is not open mockery of older people, please let me know what would.

As one who feels all of us would be better off not taking offense at the drop of the hat, I do not spend much time or energy being upset about this, except in the sense that it is offensive to be the one group where such treatment is seen as innocent fun. Try substituting the stereotype for any other group of people other than seniors, and let me know how that works out.

Even worst is reading pieces telling boomers to get the hell out of the way and having it seen as a proper approach to discuss any subject. This is not to say that seniors, like everyone else, should not have to prove we still have our fastball, particularly when it comes to cognitive skills. Watching Joe Biden is hard for anyone to endure without cringing. Clearly, for this Republican, he is not altogether with it.

As best as it can be said, deciding that the date on a birth certificate is properly the basis to make fun of anyone — much less openly discriminate against that person —  is not right.

Seniors would appreciate everyone, especially social justice warriors claiming to want justice for all, lending their voices to condemning ageism for the evil it is. Tomorrow would not be too early to start.