About the Author

Robert F. Graboyes
Robert Graboyes is an economist, journalist, and musician who blogs at “Bastiat’s Window” (graboyes.substack.com). He taught at five universities and received the 2014 Bastiat Prize for Journalism. He wrote this article for InsideSources.com.
- Harding, Wilson and the Perils of Expertise
- ‘Separate, but Equitable’ Isn’t Good Enough
- How Today’s Healthcare May Look in a Century
- Plato, China, Dixie and Disinformation
- Fauci, MacArthur, Expertise and Law
- More Theory, More Data, Less Polarization
- On the Sanctity of Medical Oaths
- Of Race and Health Care
- On Government and Innovation in Healthcare
- Arizona Considers Welcome Mat for International Doctors
- Planepooling: Reinventing Regional Air Travel
- Year-End Musings on COVID, Science, and Chainsaws
- Wokeness Infects American Medicine
- On Pfizer, COVID, and Charity
- How AI Can Make Medicine Fleet as a Fox
- The Machine Starts: Ideology of the Timid
- The Future of Medicine—Hail Uber!
- Artificial Intelligence and the Humanization of Medicine
- The Public Option Is Nothing New
- Can an App Comfort the Sick?
- What Aviation Can Teach Healthcare
- Knowing Without Meeting in the Internet Era
- Thoughts at the Waning of COVID
- Adam Smith Versus Bamboo and Cicadas
- Pandemic: The End of the Beginning
- The Future of Telehealth: Bright, but Hazy
- Healthcare Prices: When Transparency Means Trouble
- On Telemedicine in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Telehealth as Commodity
- Telehealth: Eyes on Arizona
- Gigs, Jobs, and Dolly Parton
- Temple Grandin, Autism, Animals, Expertise, and Entrepreneurship
- Chronos and Kairos: 2020 in Hindsight
- Toward a Different Healthcare Debate
- For Healthcare, Less Regulation and Smarter Regulation
- Why Are We So POLARIZED?!?
- On Face Masks, God, Baseball, Kidneys and Cancer
- On Personal Proximity and Physical Distance
- An Open Letter on Political Discourse to My Facebook Friends
- Healthcare Transparency Mandates — First, Do No Harm
- White House Ramps Up Telehealth and Rural Care
- Communications, From Kovacs to COVID
- Armchair Epidemiology in the Age of Adamancy
- $15 Minimum Wage: Good for Target, Bad for Others
- COVID-19 As a ‘Trolley Problem’
- How the Lockdown Looks Depends on How You Get Your Bread
- How the Lockdown Looks Depends on How You Get Your Bread
- Blue Skies, Chirping Birds and COVID-19
- COVID-19: A Month Later
- Coronavirus Makes the Case for Innovation
- Public Health and the Legitimate Role of Government
- Getting Medical Drones Into American Skies
- How the 1920s Can Inform the 2020s in Health Care
- State Versus Federal Licensure in Telemedicine
- For Rural and Underserved Communities, Stop Blocking Care
- The Problem With Transparent Healthcare Prices
- Warren’s Medicare for All Plan Counts Chickens, Kills Geese
- Less Paperwork, Better Health Care
- Lots to Like in the Executive Order on Medicare
- International Health Care Rankings: Bad to Worse
- Beware the Public Option in Health Insurance
- Bad Bipartisan Ideas on Drug Prices
- Medical Bills — Big, Small and Compared to What?
- Are High-Risk Pools Market-Friendly?
- What String Quartets Tell Us About Health Care Costs
- Timeless Lessons From Old Money
- Obesity and the Limits of Design
- Enabling Telemedicine — Legal and Regulatory Challenges
- Goodbye Electoral College, Hello Karma
- The Ineffable Ethics of DNA
- O, Canada — the ‘Crisis’ of American Health Care Costs
- TeVido BioDevices and Treating Vitiligo
- ‘They Shall Not Grow Old’ — Restoring the Battlefield, Not the Film
- Comparing Health Care Systems, Getting Past the Pop-Psych
- No Easy Answers to Drug Prices
- Jalapenos, Drug Prices and Economic Logic
- Toward Humility in Health Care
- A Salute for Lieutenant Graboyes
- Machine Learning to Improve Care
- Telepsychiatry — Serving the Underserved
- Safety Versus Speed — Drug and Device Approval Options
- Medicare for All/Single-Payer FAQs
- The Unintended Elitism of Health Care Policy
- Getting the Vapors Over Vaping
- Maybe We’re Not in a Health Care Crisis?
- Amsterdam — the Economic City
- Health Care Summer Reading List
- Paying Comrade Doctor
- Life, Death and Intimacy in Medicine
- Genomics and the Shadowland of Ethics
- The Role of Imagination in Health Care and Gas Pumps
- Ubers of Health Care
- Monticello, Borax and McDonald’s — Three Tales of Inflation
- Government Says, Eat Your Cheese!
- State of the Union and Health — Backward to Insurance, Forward to Care
- Death and Life of American Health Care
- Innovation, Isolation, Litigation and the Search for Marcus Welby
- The Individual Mandate — Gone, but Not Forgotten
- The Affordable Care Act — Babushka Nadvoye Skazala
- Technology Driving Health Care Spending — or Vice Versa
- Individual Mandate Squeamishness Bodes Ill for Single-Payer
- Digital Life — No Room to Hide
- Cutting Health Care Costs — the Calendar Test
- Hurricane Doofonomics
- High Quality and Low Price Converge at Narayana and Health City Cayman Islands
- Medicare for All — a Non-Solution to a Non-Problem
- Single-Payer — Dream, Nightmare or Status Quo?
- Senate GOP’s Dual-Market Idea — Postmortem Premortem
- Death Panels Are Back
- Splitting the Guild — A Modest Proposal for American Academe
- Preventive Medicine and the Curse of Common Sense
- In Health Care, Four Annoying Chestnuts
- ACA and AHCA — Aiken’s Formula for Churchill’s Pudding
- In Health Care, Is Buyer’s Remorse Killing Us?
- After the AHCA, the Gift of Introspection
- Three Steps Past Galen — the Promise of a Young Century
- Wearable Telemetry — Eating Health Care
- Defending Volunteers — Ron Hines and Carroll Landrum
- Care on the Margins — Stan Brock and RAM
- The Invention of the Chicken and Innovation in Healthcare
- Will the U.S. Keep Its Edge in Health Care Innovation?
- Doctors as Weavers — The Qualcomm Tricorder XPrize
- Credentials, Orthodoxy, Innovation
- Data Visualization — Simplifying the Complex
- Extreme Affordability in Health Care — MiracleFeet Brace
- Far Frontier — Exotic Realms of Biohacking Medical Devices
- Innovations, Obstacles and the 21st-Century Cures Act
- Passion, Persuasion and Serendipity in Innovation — St. John Sepsis Agent
- 3D Printing Transplantable Organs—Laura Bosworth and TeVido Biodevices
- Return of House Calls — Renee Dua, Heal and the Uberization of Medicine
- Direct Primary Care — Rushika Fernandopulle and Iora
- Technology’s Gift of Time — How Digital Medicine Can Humanize Health Care
- Vision and Innovation — Aaron Dallek, Steven Lee and Opternative
- Getting Personal — myStrength, Passion and Entrepreneurship
- Scaling Up — Jason Hwang and Asynchronous Telemedicine
- Division of Labor — Ian Shakil’s Digital Pin Factory
- A Hand for Innovation — Ivan Owen, Jon Schull and e-NABLE
- Transparent Health Care Pricing — Keith Smith and the Surgery Center of Oklahoma
- Telemedicine as Lifesaver — Ian Tong and Doctor on Demand
- Patient as Diagnostician — David Albert and AliveCor
- A Quiet Revolution in Health Care in a Digital Era
- $15 Minimum Wage: An Engine of Inequality